Progressive Enhancements


What is the site name and URL you reviewed?
The site name and URL that I reviewed is

What are Progressive Enhancements?
Progressive enhancement is a design philosophy that provides a baseline of essential content and functionality to as many users as possible, while delivering the best possible experience only to users of the most modern browsers that can run all the required code.

Why are Progressive Enhancements needed?
Progressive enhancements are needed because it allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of the web page, using ANY browser or internet connection, while also providing an enehanced version of the page to those with more advanced browsers.

Does the site's home page validate?
No, the site's home page does not validate because it has 16 errors/warnings.

Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate?
The page I validated next was the page of progressive enhancements. The second page does not validate because there are 7 errors/warnings.

Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.
The home page has 16 total error/warnings combined and the second page I validated has 7 errors/warnings combined.

How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
The site's design is very plain colorwise because of the black and white. The text wasn't bunched up and it didn't hurt the eyes when reading through it which is a good thing. The header was nicely placed and the animated background in the header added a nice touch. The important parts of the website were underlined or bolded and it helped make it stand out. On a scale of 1-10, I would give this site a solid 7.

How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
The search bar on the home page was right in the middle where it can be easily found. It was also found at the top of the site opposite of the other navigation links. Having them inside the header made them really pop out. On a scale of 1-10, I would give the site's usability a 10. I really liked how easy it was to differentiate the clickable links.

Does the site meet its purpose?
The main purpose of this website is to be a resource for web developers so that they can find all the guides needed in order to complete their web pages or projects. After going through the site, there were tons of helpful information that I found that were listed about HTML, CSS, and Javascript. As I work through my projects and reviews, I believe this site will be very beneficial to me because I can use it to understand the concepts of these topics even more.